Code of Conduct

Hi and welcome to Antonio Esposito Coaching.
My name is Antonio Esposito and I am very excited to start this new life-changing journey with you.

Life coaching is a synergistic relationship between an accredited professional coach and a client designed to tap into your full potential. For this reason, my greatest desire is to create for you the best possible coaching environment and give you the best possible coaching experience.

Remember that with coaching, you are investing your time and your finances exclusively on yourself and on your future success.

I will do everything in my power to support you in the achievement of your most important goals and dreams and equally, I want you to fully support me in my role as coach, mentor and trainer.

On this matter, I would like you to follow some basic common-sense rules that will help both to make the most out of our coaching relationship.


  1. Time is the most important asset we have in life so, please, be always on time for your coaching session.
  2. If for whatever reason you know you will be late for your coaching session, please, do the best you can to let your coach Antonio Esposito know with enough notice time.
  3. If you have to cancel your coaching session, please, send a cancellation email no late than 48 hours before the scheduled appointment.
  4. If for whatever reason you need your session to be shorter than the usual agreed time, please let your coach Antonio Esposito know no later than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment.


  1. All the coaching sessions are conducted online using video/audio platforms. So, be sure in advance, that all your technology and your devices are working properly.
    • Check that you have a high-quality internet connection and that is working fine
    • If you are using portable devices (phone, laptop etc..), be sure that the batteries are fully charged and that you have a charger in hand.
    • The coaching sessions are only conducted online by using the free platform Be sure in advance that you have all the links and information to join the meeting room at the agreed scheduled appointment.
    • Be sure that all the Audio and Video settings on the device you are going to use during the session are all working properly. Test them if necessary.
    • Hold your device in a steady and stable position where you can have real-like visual contact with the Coach.


  1. Always concentrate and engage 100% in each one of the coaching conversations you will have. Manage and avoid distraction as much as you can. For example, at the coaching session, you should…
    • Turn off and/or silent your phone.
    • Close your email software and your social media pages.
    • Choose a quiet room when you know you won’t be disturbed.
    • Leave your pets out of the room.
    • Make the people in the house aware that you will be in a coaching session.
    • Have a good snack before the session.
    • Bring some water in the room with you.
    • Use the toilet before the session.


  1. Coaching doesn’t require you to take notes per se, but an important part of the process is to write things down, so, be sure that at the coaching session you have plenty of paper and pen in hand.

Following these simple common-sense rules in the preparation of your coaching session, will give you the opportunity to fully experience and benefit from the power coaching. At the same time, you will give me “the coach” the opportunity to work to the best of my personal and professional abilities and, therefore to give you the best possible service.

If you need any clarification on any of the above, please, feel free to get in touch with me Antonio Esposito by using the following contact details:

Mobile/WhatsApp (UK): +44 (0) 7955 115280
Mobile/WhatsApp (ITA): +39 380 2651776

Your collaboration is very much appreciated.

Your Coach
Antonio Esposito