What’s Eating Psychology Coaching?
Eating Psychology Coaching is an effective way of addressing weight concerns, binge eating, overeating, body image challenges, and various nutrition-related health concerns.
With the beliefs that “weight loss starts in the mind“, I have created the Think Lean Formula Coaching Programme with my 25+ years weight loss struggles in mind. If you, like me, fell into the trap of trying diet after diet, and years by years not achieving any substantial results, it’s time to stop and completely change your approach.
Food is not the cause of your pain, neither dieting is.
The problems are all stored in your mental and psychological approach to food and in the unhealthy relationship that you have developed with yourself, during the many years of pain, struggles and failures.
What’s the Think Lean Formula Coaching Programme?

Based on my life experience and the struggles I had to overcome, I’ve created the Think Lean Formula training and coaching programme.
In this life-changing journey, I will help you to overcome all the hidden obstacles that are now between you and who you want to be, both mentally and physically. I will support and encourage you to achieve real and sustainable mental and physical weight loss results that you’ve never imagined possible before.
Think Lean Formula is NOT a self-study programme.
You will work with me, live on a one-to-one weekly basis, during the whole period of the programme.
During this period we will explore together training modules (theory and homework) set apart from specifically tailored coaching sessions, where you will have the opportunity to shine by applying all the learning, from the modules, in your own life.
What the Think Lean Formula is NOT?
Think Lean Formula IS NOT another diet plan, as you already know what food is good for you, and what food is not. As well, IT’S NOT a fitness programme. You already know that exercising is fundamental in order to improve your health.
Think Lean is about YOU! You, at the deepest level.
It’s about discovering all the hidden spots in your mind, that are the cause of all your weight loss and food-related struggles and pains.
During this journey, you will learn how to re-train your mind and re-shape your body from applying a cutting edge INSIDE-OUT approach.
What are the benefits of joining the programme?
- A complete shift in mindset in the way you approach yourself, nutrition and exercise;
- A new level of awareness of your thoughts patterns in relation to your food habits;
- A new sense of control over your life, food, and exercise;
- An improved and more realistic vision of your self-image and body image;
- An emotional mastery over your food choices;
- An improved belief system of your own abilities to overcome food cravings;
- An improved sense of health and wellbeing;
- A reduced body fat percentage and body weight (depending on the subject).
- A new and empowered relationship with yourself and with food;
- An improved sense of self-control and direction;
- A much more effective way to set, plan and achieve all your present and future goals;
- An inner sense of pride for the new achievements with the drive to set bigger goals;
- A new sense of worth and appreciation of your abilities and towards yourself.
Think Lean Formula Best Business Award 2018
:: Think Lean Formula FAQs
An Eating Psychology Coach is a professional expert in Psychology (thoughts, feelings, and emotions) behind the relationship that each individual has with food and nutrition. An Eating Psychology Coach assists a client to learn first, their own relationship with themselves (body and self-image) then, their unhealthy relationship to food and nutrition. An Eating Psychology Coach, therefore, helps the client to change the mindset behind all the unhealthy behaviours which are the cause of the most common food-related diseases, obesity problems, as well as the cause of the most common eating disorders and food addictions.
Think Lean Formula is a one-to-one
Coaching and Training Programme created by the
Certified Life Performance and
Eating Psychology Coach Antonio Esposito.
The programme is aimed to help individuals of any gender and age to deal and to overcome one or more of the following issues:
- an unhealthy relationship with food and with the self;
- serious weight problems both overweight and underweight issues;
- unhealthy emotional eating patterns;
- binge eating disorder;
- mild to severe food addictions;
- sugar & junk food cravings;
- yo-yo dieting patterns;
- poor body image/self-image, lack of self-esteem and self-confidence;
The Think Lean Formula is a one-to-one Training & Coaching programme delivered directly by creator Antonio Esposito through weekly online sessions of 60-minute each. All the training and coaching and sessions are always performed online using the free platform ZOOM.US.
9 one-to-one 60-minute weekly training sessions exploring 9 study modules alternate with
9 one-to-one 60-minute coaching sessions.
Both the training and the coaching session are all supported with audio/video materials, activities and exercises to complete between sessions.
Free Access to the Think Lean Formula University* for the entire length of the programme.
*The learning hub created specifically to support the clients between sessions.
Unlimited access to articles, videos and supporting materials produced by Think Lean Formula to support the client's journey.
Unlimited access to the Coach Antonio Esposito (email / messaging/ phone) during the whole period of the training.
The Think Lean Formula is a training and coaching programme not based on any diet and/or fitness activity.
During the entire length of the programme, you will never be told what to eat and what kind of food to eat. You will never receive from the Coach Antonio Esposito any kind of eating plan and/or diet to follow, as well, you will never receive any advice on what kind of fitness programme and/or exercise routine to follow or to perform.
Think Lean Formula programme is purely based on the understanding of the Self-Psychology behind a negative approach to food and nutrition. The reason for that is that just the negative approach to eating is the main cause of unhealthy behaviours that in the long term are the cause of obesity, food-related disease, and eating disorders.
This training and coaching programme helps and supports you as an individual to change, improve and upgrade your psychological mind-set as well as the daily approach towards yourself, food and nutrition.
However, it’s important to specify that in order to achieve sustainable weight loss results, a change in the eating patterns and in the quality of food eaten must be necessarily addressed, although in the Think Lean Formula programme, the adjustments in the eating patterns and the related weight loss results, will be the automatic by-product of the newly acquired awareness of the self and of the newly improved mind-set towards food periodically develop during the whole duration of the coaching programme.
The main difference is that the Think Lean Formula programme is completely based on the concept that "Weight Loss Starts in the Mind".
The approach to weight loss in this programme is based on an INSIDE-OUT approach. Basically, know WHO you are and WHAT you do from the inside point of view (mind, thoughts, and psychology of behaviours) in order to change the world outside.
Completely the opposite approach of other weight loss coaching programmes that tend to focus only on the tools to use in order to lose weight (mainly fad diets and fitness) without ever considering the psychological, and biological issues of each individual that caused all the weight and food-related issues in the first place.
The Think Lean Formula programme will help you to
improve, change and/or overcome all the psychological and physical issues related to an unhealthy relationship with yourself (negative self-image and body-image) and with food.
This programme will help you to create a completely new empowered mindset that will help and support you to create powerful action plans, strategies, and behaviours that will support the creation of a completely new physical and psychological approach towards yourself and towards food and nutrition.
The programme will help you:
- with the creation of sustainable and last longing weight loss results from an understanding of the personal inner psychology of eating in order to free the self from any form of dieting and food restrictions.
- with the creation of an improved personal self-image and body image by acquiring a completely new level of self-awareness and self-confidence that will improve your performance in multiple life areas.
- with the planning and the execution of new empowering and sustainable weight loss goals based on the strategic planning of daily consistent actions constantly supported by the Coach's accountability factor during the whole duration of the journey.
- with the creation of newly empowered lifestyles that will support your personal development journey in many other areas of life including general health, relationships (with the self and others), work and business and fitness.
- with the planning of successful action-oriented strategies aimed to deal with inevitable roadblocks on the way to success, including fear, self-doubt as specifically food-related emotional patterns such as craving, binge eating, emotional eating patterns and mild to severe eating disorders.
Each person is different, as well as the background, the situations and the struggles experienced are different for each individual. Therefore, the results may be different from person to person. However, the TLF programme is developed and structured to give to each one individual
the possibility to achieve the following results:
- Have a complete shift in mindset in the way you approach yourself, nutrition and exercise.
- Have a new level of awareness of your thoughts patterns in relation to your food habits.
- Have a new sense of control over your life, food, and exercise.
- Have an improved and more realistic vision of your self-image and body image.
- Have emotional mastery over your food choices.
- Have an improved belief system of your own abilities to overcome food cravings.
- Have an improved sense of health and wellbeing.
- Have a reduced body fat percentage and body weight (depending on the subject).
- Have a new and empowered relationship with yourself and with food.
- Have an improved sense of self-control and direction.
- Have a much more effective way to set, plan and achieve all your present and future goals.
- Have an inner sense of pride for the new achievements with the urge to set better and bigger goals.
- Have a new sense of worth and appreciation of your abilities and towards yourself.
- Be living in a completely new body supported by a completely new mind, ready to create a completely new life!
The Think Lean training and coaching programme aimed to give you the best knowledge, strategies and emotional support to help you to achieve your most important psychological and physical weight loss and wellbeing goals.
Through the correct use of the information provided during the training period and by taking advantage of the Coach’s help, support, and life experience in the field, you'll have the best possible chances of successfully achieving all the goals you’ll set for yourself.
However, how soon you will be able to see and feel the results you desire, it only depends on the level of motivation, commitment, and effort you will put into the journey/programme itself.
Based on the concepts you'll learn during the programme, how soon you will start to apply those concepts and start to take the necessary daily actions needed in order to clearly see the results you're expecting to see, it's completely up to you.
In a few words, the results you will be able to experience by the end of your journey will be in direct proportion to the effort and commitment you'll demonstrate throughout the journey.
Unfortunately Not!
The Think Lean Formula is a very challenging 1-to-1 training and coaching programme specifically tailored for people struggling with mild to serious psychological, health and physical problems caused by an unhealthy relationship with themselves and with food.
If you're struggling with one or more of the following issues, joining the programme could be the best life-changing action you can take.
In a few words, if your goal is to lose 10lbs because you want to fit in your swimming suit the next summer, this coaching programme is NOT for you.
However, if you are still not sure if and how the TLF programme could help you, please, feel free to book a completely free (no-obligation) introductory coaching conversation with Coach Antonio Esposito who will be able to evaluate your situation, clarify your doubts and at the same time answer all the questions you might have.
The Think LeanFormula is a one-to-one programme.
Each session is always and only performed between the Coach Antonio Esposito and the Client in a one-to-one setting (mostly online). In no shape or form during the whole length of the programme, there will be the presence of other participants and/or groups of people during the sessions.
Absolutely YES!
The Think Lean Formula journey, and therefore the learning, breakthroughs as well as the results can hugely vary from person to person. Although the contents of the Study Modules and the steps of the programme are equal for every individual, the training and coaching sessions are completely tailored to the client’s need, learning, breakthroughs, and real-time progress and results.
To date, the Think Lean programme lasts for about 16 weeks, about 4 months ca.
All the weekly training and coaching sessions are structured in a way that can be delivered by the Coach and absorbed by the Client in this reasonable time.
However, depending on the client’s situation, goals and lifestyle, in agreement with the Coach Antonio Esposito, the length of the programme can become slightly more flexible by extending the total length to a maximum of 20 weeks (5 months) without incurring in any additional charges to the initial total costs of the programme.
Throughout the programme, you will receive an unconditional practical and emotional help and support, from the Coach Antonio Esposito that will help you to successfully achieve all your mental and physical goals.
You will constantly receive from the Coach knowledge, encouragement and personalised feedback on your journey progress during the whole period of the programme. As well you'll have the possibility to reach the Coach 24/7 by email and/or by "urgent help" weekly phone calls and/or through the use of messaging services.
The Think Lean University is an online e-learning hub designed and developed to support the client's journey. At the enrolment of the programme, you will receive a personalised username and password that will give you access to the contents of the University for the entire period of the programme.
By having access to the Think Lean University, e-learning hub, you will be also able to have access to all the Audio/Video materials and files created in order to support the studies and the learning of each of the 9 live training days and study modules.
As an add-on, you will also be able to access on your personal private page where you will take advantage of extra resources and activities specifically designed for your needs and related to your specific situation and on the stage, you are on in your journey.
The easier way to find out more information about the coach Antonio Esposito and all the services provided is to
book a completely FREE no-obligation 30-minute consultation directly with Coach Antonio.
During this first 30-minute, you will be able to meet the Coach Antonio Esposito that will be more than happy to answer all your questions about the Think Lean Formula programme and all the coaching service available, including a better understanding of Antonio’s personal life experience, backgrounds, and skills as Life Performance and Eating Psychology Coach.
It is also possible to contact Antonio Esposito directly by email at
antonio@thethinkingmindcoaching.com for any other inquiries you might have.
Think Lean Formula: Stories of Success
*30-minute consultation sessions booked on calendly.com.